Since making those cloud biscuits, I have been craving them again, and a new recipe I needed to try out just landed on my desk. The truth is that I enjoy working on the dough with my hands.
Decorate the biscuits by dipping them in chocolate melted in a double boiler, and add sprinkles and nuts. Now, just wait a moment for the chocolate to harden, and you can start eating.
A significant regional venture for Nestlé is being launched with the development of its Chocobakery treats being extended for ...
McVities Abbey Crunch has been on the market since 1932. It is a roll-packed biscuit made of syrup, wheat and oats. Without any advertising support, it maintained a steady level of volume, and ...
Mary Berry's ginger biscuits are simple to make, crunchy and very tasty. The mixture spreads out to give very thin, crisp biscuits, so they need to be spaced well apart on the baking trays.
Light, crunchy French biscuits, perfect for a refined teatime treat. Instead of vanilla, try flavouring the biscuit mix with orange zest or ground cardamom. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and ...