“A cold is caused by viruses, typically rhinovirus.” Rhinoviruses are considered the primary cause of the common cold, estimated to be responsible for 50% to 70% of cases. The two primary ...
In recent weeks, I have received calls, texts, and WhatsApp messages from several understandably concerned parents about ...
Several different types of viruses cause the common cold. These include rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, and ...
It may say spring on the calendar, but colds, flu and COVID are still making people ill. What you should know.
Here's what causes bronchitis, how the illness usually spreads and how you can treat symptoms if it affects you or a loved ...
A common cold is an infection of the nose and throat ... adding that it can result from any one of more than 200 different viruses. Rhinoviruses cause most colds. Though symptoms of a cold ...
Over 200 different viruses can cause the cold, but rhinoviruses are the most common cause, according to the Centers for Di sease Control and Prevention. The cold has no cure, but symptoms should ...
A common cold is an infection of the nose and throat ... adding that it can result from any one of more than 200 different viruses. Rhinoviruses cause most colds. Though symptoms of a cold ...