Understanding the body's need for balance can help make sense of how things go awry. We can manage acute stress, but when ...
The most simple way to reduce your response to stress and worry is to learn to breath differently. It is free, it is easy, ...
Jeff Krasno is looking to change the narrative on stress. Here’s how he says you can get more “good stress” in your life.
After adjusting for other factors that affect stroke risk, researchers found that moderate stress was associated with a 78% ...
A new study led by UCLA investigators suggests that chronic stress and an unhealthy diet may work together to fuel the early ...
A new study found that moderate stress levels were associated with a 78% increased risk of stroke in female participants, but ...
Stress is riskier for women than men as it triggers brain strokes in them, according to a recent study published in the ...
This part of our chromosomes can influence the ageing process, and possibly the development of chronic diseases.
A new study has found a strong link between stress and the risk of early-onset cryptogenic ischemic stroke (CIS). This is a stroke where a blood clot blocks blood flow to the brain, it occurs in young ...
Chronic stress can increase young women's risk of stroke, a new study says. Moderate stress increases risk of stroke by 78% in women but not in men, researchers reported in the journal Neurology.