O ne would think that with over a dozen core entries to its name, the Castlevania series would have incorporated some sort of ...
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is 28 years old, and remains of the greatest videogames of all time, but what does its ...
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance is often derided as being an inferior GBA title, but it's still a great and fun ...
The term Metroidvania initially referred to entries in Konami’s gothic 2-D action Castlevania series whose mazey maps closely evoked the Metroid games; it then grew to encompass indie games such ...
What are the best Metroidvania games? Nintendo’s Super Metroid and Konami’s Castlevania: Symphony of the Night popularized the Metroidvania, but the genre has come into its own since these ...
There have been 3D Castlevania games in the past, most notably in the N64 era, but those games aren’t held in nearly as high-regard as 2D classics like Symphony of the Night. If Konami really is ...
The project will be a "new game based on Konami's IP" - the specifics are ... Konami's IP includes the likes of Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, eFootball, Bomberman, and Suikoden, though Silent ...