Dark Horse will not collect it into a trade." "Anansi Boys is about two brothers, twins. One is meek, timid, like a flopsy, set-upon puppy. The other brother is narcissistic, hedonistic, governed by ...
Charles Nancy is the hero of Anansi Boys. Lives in London ... He's also Charlie's long-lost brother. He arrives one day at Charlie’s apartment and that's when the trouble begins.
Dark Horse Comics axes American Gods spin-off and becomes latest company to distance itself from author who has since denied accusations ...
Anansi is a mischievous spider who appears in traditional stories from Africa and the Caribbean. In this story Anansi tricks his friends into falling asleep on a magical moss-covered rock. First ...
Despite her frustration with her brother, Bast and Anansi stand together as both Miles and T’Challa are woven into a trial of combat for their gods’ aid. While Anansi’s actions may seem ...
Dark Horse Comics has canceled plans to publish the final issue of Neil Gaiman’s Anansi Boys comic series following the latest allegations of sexual assault against the author. “Dark Horse ...