Decrying a world characterized by materialism, violence and blind conformity, Dylan echoed the warnings of King Solomon.
PEOPLE launches an in-depth look into what very well might be Dylan's darkest day — which also happened to be pop's greatest night ...
DEADLINE: Outside of the Will Smith slap of Chris Rock, the craziest modern Oscar moment was La La Land being called for Best ...
A list of 20 of the best songs from studio albums released by Bob Dylan from the year 2000 onward, ranked by UCR.
Bob Dylan has always been mysteriously quiet; though, when it came to talking about these three musicians, he couldn't help himself.
the timbre of his voice was spot on. This made it easy to suspend disbelief and accept that he was, in fact, Bob Dylan. One constant in the movie is that Dylan gets around mostly by motorcycle.
I actually want to hear Dylan’s actual voice in this movie?” “No.” “It just would have thrown off the whole thing? A song is playing over the credits and it’s Bob Dylan?” ...
Bob Dylan's short set at the Indian Neck Festival in 1961 ended up being his earliest known recording and it is a remarkable moment in history ...
Bob Dylan (Timothée Chalamet) is about to step on the stage of the Newport Folk Festival. Deep inside, he wants to defy ...
A look at the reputation folk guitarists have within instrumental communities, via a look at Bob Dylan and his song "I was Young When I Left Home" for example.
But it also gave the world something else: a truly priceless glimpse of Bob Dylan looking miserable. The highly meme'd image has spread far and wide across the internet, representing a very ...