Donnie Wahlberg's Danny Reagan is coming back for more as CBS announced a 'Blue Bloods' spin-off series, titled 'Boston Blue', led by the actor is coming this year.
SIGN UP FOR DECIDER DIGEST FOR NEWS AND STREAMING RECOMMENDATIONS Fighting crime never stops, but nor should you — keep reading to discover everything we know about Boston Blue. Limited information ...
Far from the last time fans can witness police officer Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) patrol the crime-ridden streets, the ...
The “ Blue Bloods ” universe is officially expanding. A spinoff following Donnie Wahlberg ‘s Danny Reagan has landed a straight-to-series order at CBS. “Boston Blue” (working title) comes from ...
Blue Bloods coexecutive producer Santiago Quiñones is looking back on the police drama’s nearly 15-year run, sharing that the cast and crew were just as saddened to see the show come to an end. “It’s ...
the eldest daughter of a prominent law enforcement family." While plot details are unclear, the show can be expected to pick up from where "Blue Bloods" left off in the series finale, during which ...
Because "Blue Bloods" is so specifically tied to New York ... that follows a family of police officers in Boston whose eldest daughter is partnered with a new transfer from LAPD.
Once in Boston, he is paired with detective Lena Peters, the eldest daughter of a prominent law ... “That’s quite a legacy to live up to after Blue Bloods. And if the show doesn’t carry ...
EXCLUSIVE: Great news for Blue Bloods fans — one of the beloved drama ... Once in Boston, he is paired with Detective Lena Peters, the eldest daughter of a prominent law enforcement family.
Donnie Wahlberg’s “Blue Bloods” detective Danny Reagan isn ... he will be paired with “detective Lena Peters, the eldest daughter of a prominent law enforcement family.” ...