Barry Gibb, 78, is now the only remaining original Bee Gees member. His brother Robin Gibb died at age 62 in 2012, after their sibling Maurice Gibb died at 53 in 2003. READ MORE: The ’70s ...
If you were in the orbit of the Gibb brothers in the second half of the ‘70s and were blessed with musical talent, chances are you were somewhere near the top of the pop charts. The Bee Gees’ streak ...
“The music of the Bee Gees is so fun to perform because of the memories it brings ... but they were actually huge pop stars in the late ’60s and early ’70s,” Garcia said, “with a sound much more ...
The Bee Gees have sold more than 120 million records ... in the late 60s and were a mainstay in the charts throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s, with their own tracks as well as those for other ...
“The music of the Bee Gees is so fun to perform because of the ... but they were actually huge pop stars in the late ’60s and early ’70s,” Garcia said, “with a sound much more similar ...