Since the release of Batman: The Animated Series, the vigilante has remained a top superhero, and enthusiasts often try to buy as many collectibles and series as they can. Considered among the hit ...
Batman: The Animated Series is a timeless classic for many reasons, leaving a huge impact on the DC universe and animated TV ...
Discover Mondo's stunning 1/6 scale Clayface figure from Batman: The Animated Series, standing 13.5” tall. Clayface's origin ...
The episode starts with a skyline shot of Gotham, orchestral fanfare akin to Batman: The Animated Series, and a referential shot of a stone gargoyle overlooking the city, setting the stage for the ...
The Animated series sixth scale figure line in Clayface. The figure is available to pre-order, priced at $260 for the standard edition and $280 for the limited exclusive edition; check them out ...