Barry Manilow's A Very Barry Christmas airs tonight ... I'm glad that he's found love and happiness." Now approaching her 80s, former holistic healer Susan has kept to herself, living a quiet ...
The singer, 80, is in the middle of a nine-date The ... we must cancel tonight's 27th May Barry Manilow concert. 'Please hold on to your tickets until we can sort out rescheduling tonight's ...
"As the art of writing melodies and emotional lyrics begins to disappear, songs like these mean more to me than they ever have," Barry Manilow says Dave Quinn is a Senior Editor for PEOPLE.
I didn't aspire to be a singer, I initially wanted to be a musician Barry Manilow says he's achieved ... selling more than 80 million records. However he says he just doesn't want to PACK anymore.
Ahead of this farewell tour, local high school students in each of the city’s Manilow will stop in submitted the names of ...
Barry Manilow has called out of Saturday night ... pushed a button to cause the theater’s video wall to descend). The 80-year-old superstar also missed the opening of his Christmas show ...
Barry Manilow’s huge 1.5 million-dollar (£1.19 million) claim for bonus payments against the owners of his music catalogue should be heard in the US, not England, the High Court has heard.
IT’S SO GREAT TALKING WITH HIM. WHAT A NICE GUY. THE BAR As he kicks off his last concert arena tour, pop superstar Barry Manilow is giving one local music teacher a chance to win new band ...