Claude Monet, blind French painter and last of the ... But at least he has recovered, for himself, what he chiefly sought in art,— the pageant of moving light and air. Going out at dawn into ...
One of Monet’s most unique paintings, La Japonaise is completely different from his usual genre of soft colours, nature, ...
After an 18-month hiatus, a restored “Waterlilies” by impressionist painter Claude Monet is back on display through August at ...
A century after his death, French Impressionist painter Claude Monet is on the lips of art lovers across Japan. This is due to a traveling exhibition titled “Monet: The Late Waterscapes” which ...
French Impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1926 ... sparsely curated exhibition at the Minneapolis Institute of Art titled “Hokusai|Monet.” The show includes 10 prints from Hokusai ...
A monthlong, interactive display from the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet will be on display at the Greenville ...
The museum is presenting an exhibition on the importance of art in the work of one of the most influential writers of the 20th century, Marcel Proust (Auteuil, 1871 - Paris, 1922), recognised both in ...