Anthony Horowitz, one of the most prolific and successful ... then it will be the whole book, then it will be the whole author — and that is already happening.” Horowitz has had a 40-year ...
Best-selling crime writer Anthony Horowitz reckons he would make a terrible detective as he never spots the clues, but he ...
Author Anthony Horowitz, screenwriter of Moonflower Murders as seen on MASTERPIECE on PBS Credit: Jack Lawson Humor is very important to me, and a little bit of commentary on the world we live in ...
Bestselling mystery author Anthony Horowitz has a top secret mission for you! To write your own amazing spy adventure story in just one week. Every day, we'll be uploading some incredible top tips ...
He is also the author of a string of bestselling ... for his work ever since encountering the Holmes canon, aged sixteen. Anthony has also recently been invited to write a new James Bond adventure ...