"Wait a minute, this can’t be right." Researchers stunned after discovering cause of massive animal die-off along coastline: ...
For some animals, reproduction comes at the ultimate cost—their own lives. While this may seem extreme, it’s a natural ...
According to a new article, “Butterfly populations flutter bye,” published in the journal Science, butterflies are dying at ...
Over 1.2 million people demanded the protection and strengthening of the EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics by signing ...
In the middle of the Caribbean Sea, over 1,000 rhesus macaques live on an island that measures less than a tenth of a mile ...
Conservation scientists from UNSW Sydney have used DNA technology to identify feral cats as the primary predators responsible ...
The Gorham Fire Company went to a house on Lake to Lake Road in Gorham for a garage fire on Wednesday at 3:09 p.m.
Some animals were rescued, while others perished in a barn fire in Brussels on March 4. The Brussels-Union-Gardner (BUG) Fire ...
At least 30 domestic animals were killed after being struck by lightening in Kalakote area of Rajouri district on Monday late night. Reports said that the incident occurred amidst rain and ...