In ancient Sparta, the Agoge prepared boys for a lifetime of military service with harsh training that emphasised strength ...
Drimachus led a slave revolt on Chios, ruling a rogue stronghold before betrayal. Organized resistance like that of Spartacus ...
At the bottom were the helots: a slave class descended from those peoples who had resisted subjugation by Sparta. Because the helots were constantly rebelling, the Spartans attempted to control ...
Little remains of the ancient city of Sparta, capital of the ... Sparta engaged in disputes with its rival Greek city-states, especially Athens and Thebes. Slave rebellions had to be nipped ...
The ancient Greeks at war Learn about ancient Greek soldiers, the Spartan soldier state and read about famous Greek battles. What do we know about ancient Greek culture? Find out what ancient ...
Altogether there were over 1500 city-states in the Greek world, but some of these would ... were relatively small. Sparta had even fewer citizens, but was in many ways an exceptional case.
About 2,500 years ago Greece was one of the most important places in the ancient world. The Greeks were great thinkers, warriors, writers, actors, athletes, artists, architects and politicians.