Looking for Electroculus in? Use this interactive map to find every single one of these Adventure Items in the Inazuma region ...
Version 5.4 is certainly an Inazuma patch through and through, adding a new 5-Star character to the playable cast and featuring a Flagship Event centered around the region and its characters.
When investigating the mysterious nightmare incidents during its run, you will meet several Inazuma characters ... to celebrate the festival despite all the misunderstandings and hostilities ...
All the Kazuha ascension materials ... It is a bit confusing, considering he's an Inazuma character but he uses Liyue talent books. However, this is because Kazuha himself was released before ...
LEVEL-5 will host the Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road “Heroes Showcase 2025: Release Date & Final Specs Presentation” on April 11, the company announced. You will be able to watch it on YouTube ...