After completing the 15 credit hours, CCP students should confer with their academic advisor if they wish to take a course that is not on the list. Can students take summer or winter term courses ...
With UD's Bachelor's Plus Master's (BPM) program, you can earn your bachelor's degree and a master's degree at an accelerated pace - often completing your master's degree within just one year of ...
Newly enrolled students can also jumpstart their W&M journey with the Preparing for Life as a University Student (PLUS) program. Register Today Our Summer Academic Sessions offer diverse courses ...
The Department of Health Behavior and Nutrition Sciences offers a 4+1 BS/MS program that allows students to complete ... Students complete the remaining 25 graduate credits over the course of two ...
Seek employment in related careers such as publishing, professional writing, library science and academic administration. Pursue degrees in related postgraduate programs of study, for example, in law.
The Academic Affairs Assessment group provides leadership and centralized support to CU Boulder in the assessment of student learning and program effectiveness. Through collaboration with campus ...
The University of Dayton Bachelor's Plus Master's (BPM) Program encourages high-performing UD undergraduate students to continue their studies and complete a Master's degree at UD through one ...