People’s heads aren’t the only places you can live rent-free. An enterprising Scottish woman is bypassing extortionate housing costs by living rent-free in a shipping container — where her expenses ...
Rows of lettuce growing in a hydroponic system in a shipping container outside the school district's administration building will help provide students and the community with fresh food year-round.
With property prices and rents soaring an entrepreneurial dundalk couple hope to carve out a niche in the market by re-purposing 40-foot shipping containers into modern homes James O'Kane and ...
Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT) is looking to completely redesign the way cargo transport is carried out in ...
[Each shipping container is] 40 feet long, 8 feet wide, and about 6,000 pounds," Alberto said. The heavy containers will form a sturdy wall around the private lot, preventing RVs and others from ...