Sunrise: 7:19 A.M. Sunset: 5:03 P.M. Moonrise: 10:07 P.M. Moonset: 9:55 A.M. Venus passes 3° north of Saturn at midnight EST.
A rare celestial event is set to captivate skywatchers in January 2025, when six planets—Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus ...
A planet parade will be happening high above the earth. But there is a debate on whether it is as special as you may be ...
Directly to the right of Orion is Jupiter and left of it is the unmistakable red disc of Mars. The best time to view the ...
Uranus is higher in the sky, next to Jupiter, and Neptune is to the west, just above Saturn and Venus, he said, adding that a self-guided telescope – that is, a telescope controlled by a ...