One of California's national parks may not attract as many visitors as Yosemite, but it's a goldmine for wildlife viewing ...
Farrington noted that another rock slide closed Highway 120 into Yosemite National Park last year. In fact, many of ...
Visitors come ashore on Santa Cruz Island, one of the five Channel Islands.
Environmentalists are celebrating a legal settlement that will close historic family dairies they say are degrading Point ...
Cherry blossom season has officially begun in Japan, which considers the dainty pink bloom its national flower.
There’s more to the California wildflower blooms than meets the human eye, experts say. NASA’s Caltech Jet Propulsion ...
It isn't unusual for roads to close at Yosemite Park around winter time because of snowfall, but 2 miles of El Portal Road, a ...
The closure of state Route 140 into Yosemite National Park is causing temporary setbacks for local communities in surrounding ...
A construction worker was struck and killed on the 91 Freeway in the Buena Park area Friday morning, officials confirmed.